As of March 21, 2023, the median cost of a home in Pascoe Vale is $1,057,000. A unit costs, on average, $635,500. In the past year, 142 homes and 192 apartments were sold. For homes, the average annual capital increase is 5.59%, while for apartments, it is 2.15%. For homes, the capital increase over a year is 1.7%, whereas for apartments, it is -5.2%. In Pakenham, it typically takes 49 days to sell a house and 61 days to sell a unit.
In Pascoe Vale, there were 120 homes for sale and 111 for rent last month. For homes, the median price over the past year ranges from $1,057,500 to $635,000 for apartments. If you’re searching for an investment property, try Pascoe Vale, where homes rent for $477 PW with a 2.6% annual rental return and apartments rent for $420 PW with a 3.6% annual rental yield. Pascoe Vale has experienced a compound growth rate for homes of 1.7% and a compound growth rate for units of -5.2% based on five years of sales.
House prices and rent returns in Pascoe Vale.
Unit prices and rent returns in Pascoe Vale.
The Pascoe Vale gross rental yield for houses is 2.6% and for units, it is 3.6%.
Selling your Pascoe Vale home? Do you want to discover what your home or apartment is now worth on the market? Our appraisers will provide a precise evaluation based on current sales information and the vicinity of facilities, such as stores, schools, and amenities. This appraisal will be given without charge by our representatives.
Do you want to rent out an investment property? Alternatively, are you interested in renting out your present residence? Almost 100,000 properties are now under the control of our property management team in Australia. Our major goal is to take good care of your property so you get the best possible return on your investment. We organise our services using the most recent technological technologies, and we offer complete digital tax accounting files. We collaborate closely with the landlord and provide frequent property updates. For security concerns, we check a huge pool of prospective renters.
Most people think a property appraisal and a property value are interchangeable terms. This is accurate in part. Nonetheless, you must use a licenced property valuer’s services if you want a valuation for legal reasons. You will have to pay for a valuation performed by a licenced property valuer. Any licenced real estate agent can give you a decent idea of what much you could obtain for your property, both for sales and for rent, if all you want to know is how much your house is worth.
To contact with one of our knowledgeable property consultants or managers and learn the worth of your Pascoe Vale house, get an evaluation right away.
Lifestyle in Pascoe Vale
Pascoe Vale is a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and is part of the City of Merri-bek local government area. It is situated 9 kilometres north of Melbourne’s CBD. 18 171 people were residing in Pascoe Vale as of the 2021 census.
Many cafés, restaurants, bakeries, and takeaway shops can be found in Pascoe Vale. These establishments are mostly found in neighbourhood centres around the Pascoe Vale train station, along Gaffney Street, Kent Road, Cumberland Road, Bell Street, and Sussex Street. The numerous parks and gardens of Pascoe Vale, such as Cole Reserve, Austin Reserve, Kelvin Thomson Reserve, and Gavin Park, are well-known. There are also multiple sporting clubs located in Pascoe Vale. These include Pascoe Vale Soccer Club, Pascoe Vale Football Club, St Andrews Cricket Club and the Park Panthers Netball Club.
Schools in Pascoe Vale
For a free property appraisal Pascoe Vale Real Estate Agents.
Tel: 03 9385 3899